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Comprehensive M&A solutions

  • Advisory services for mergers and acquisitions and business development
  • Capital raising for companies
  • Representation and navigation of company purchase and sale transaction processes
  • Financial restructuring, debt capital and credit raising
  • Preparation of business plans, valuations, fairness opinions and economic consulting.


In each of these fields, we provide our customers with a complete and comprehensive solution for all stages of the relevant transaction, including planning and guidance with regard to alternatives for capital raising, alternatives for the transaction structure, advice on tax aspects, economic consulting and transaction analyses, commercial, economic and accounting due diligence processes, and more.


Our professional experience incorporates our deep understanding of the M&A arena and the various facets of capital-raising processes – as commercial attorneys, as experienced experts in the capital market and as executives and managers in diverse industries.


Comprehensive M&A solutions

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions

Our missions